there is a large group of pigeons who live on my street. they had a little roost in my attic before the landlord closed up the hole in the roof. i think there was a pigeon sealed in the attic; we could hear all sort of strange noises for a few days. in athens we had a family of racoons who lived in our attic. i used to sit on the front porch at night doing various things (ie drinking beer) and watch them peek their little heads over the side of the roof, making sure i wasn't a threat before they climbed into a nearby tree.
it's supposed to be fall but it's ninety something degrees out. my pinholes are so far failures, although there's not really too high a level of quality to be attained for them to be successes. talked a long time last night to a very old friend on the topic of, "now that we've graduated from college, when exactly do we figure out what the fuck we want to do with ourselves?" answer: don't hold your breath for an epiphany.