Wednesday, September 17, 2008

is it fall?

it's been deliciously cool (if, you know, you live in louisiana and think "cool" equates to 75 degrees) and not particularly humid this week. i've been walking to work, since i believe i am about to relocate from mid-city to the bywater, and walking the distance to work will soon be very out-of-the-question.

i do regret how non-pedestrian i've become since moving to the city, but now i've decided i'm just going to have to start biking more. i need to go visit plan b bike project and attach brakes to my bike- currently only the brake on the front tire works, and when i say works, i mean that if i start braking 15 feet before i have to and put my feet down before i reach the intersection i will be able to avoid getting hit by a car. it's just been so easy to ride without brakes here since the city is completely, utterly flat, meaning that my lazy ass can't usually get above, oh, 5-1omph at best. brakes just aren't that much of a necessity, but i suppose if i'm going to start biking clear across town to get to work and back i might want to part with the 40 dollars it would take to install a brake that functions properly.

so i just found out that the girl whose body was used in that infamous sarah palin in a bikini with air rifle was a friend of mine from college. biz-arre. considering she's an uberlefty feminist, i'm sure she's been thrilled with the situation.

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